Sunday, July 26, 2009


生活在新的校园里, 过了两个礼拜的新校园生活。第一份功课也随着时间而诞生。我的第一份功课-DEFINE LAW !!!!什么是法律???我做得很辛苦噢!哈哈!多多指教。。。

Law is defined as a system of rules that normally prescribes acceptable and morally standards of conduct. Law is usually enforced through a set of institutions including legislative, executive and judicial arms. Thus, law shapes politics, economics and society in specific ways and mandates the relationship between people and organizations. For instance, law keeps citizens in order and protects harm for the people and their property as well as their rights. Sanctions such as punishments, fines, imprisonments will be incurred to those people who violate or go against the established rules of conducts.

According to history, law is ancient and can be dated back to 1760BC that actually referred to the Code of Hammurabi, written by an ancient Babylonian King. Nowadays, most countries practice legal system that most probably are formed up by either common law or nature law. In parenthesis, there are many definitions from philosophy of law that is a branch of philosophy and jurisprudence which studies basic questions about law and legal system, such as “what is law?”. Anyway, to conclude all the definitions studied in philosophy of law, law is a very vital and necessary connection between human beings and morality. This is because it is social rules, practices and certain identified norms that ensure human beings to live in a harmony society.

In the nutshell, law has no specific definition. In fact, it is just a rule and guideline of lawful behavior. Law is to prove justice, so that justice will prevail. Law can be a punishment and lesson for those who attempt to break social harmony. Law is just a law. In my own opinion, law is intangible but it exists all the time around us in order to promote harmony for human beings.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


陌生对一个人而言是可怕的。来到了新的环境,新的生活,新的开始。一个从来不曾尝试过的生活方式,一些不曾见过的生活文化,一个还是幼嫩的家伙。还庆幸自己到了这个只用英语交谈,上课,书写的环境中还能紧记母语,很光荣自己还没忘记母语。是的, 我还是遵守原则-只用母语写部落。只因为它是我的母语,我的根。

谈回新生活吧。自己洗衣服-辛苦 , 自己准备早餐-更辛苦。。。打理家务确实累人。

家,永远还是我们依靠的地方,一个温暖的怀抱 。 挑战确实艰难,但不艰难的又如何是挑战呢?我的新生活,我想活出更多火花,比以往更灿烂,因为眼前的是更艰难的挑战。

唯一使我觉得困扰的莫非就是食物。。。 因为苏邦的食物太难吃了。。。又贵又难吃,味精又多。。。槟城食物,我爱你,我想你。。。当然,我也爱你们我的爸妈,我的家人。

Thursday, July 9, 2009

梦想 , 飞!

瘫痪了六个多月 , 是时候认真起来 . 就在大伙儿早已卖命的往梦想出发 , 奋斗之时 , 惟独剩两个小伙子还悠栽悠闲的 .

不过 , 时间终匆匆从我们身边溜过 ; 无声 , 也无息 . 左盼望 , 右等待的这一天 , 它终于来了. 而人总是那么的矛盾 . 我日夜期望能正式的开课 , 回到学校里读书 , 而明天就是它到来的那一天 .

但 , 此时此刻的我 , 心有一股莫名又说不出的感觉 : 它愀着我的心 , 它让我脑海中不断浮现我中五那一年的死党 , 好友 . 那一刻我们相聚玩乐 , 那一些我们都一起见证难忘的美好时光 . 它让我感受家庭成员之间给我的温暖 . 那一刻我们嘻嘻哈哈 , 那一些我们都一起团圆互相关心的时光 . 它让我闻到我土生土长 , 我的家乡泥土的味道 . 那十八年我们都不曾分开 , 紧紧相依的家乡 - 槟城 .

而 , 我知道 , 它就是 - 舍不得 .

我确定我现在的感受是舍不得 , 而一直欺骗着我说 : 我很兴奋 , 期待新求学环境的那一份感觉也随着即将离开这一片土地而躲得无影无踪 .

熟语说得好 : 男儿志在四方 . 为了梦想 , 我们勇敢的向前飞 , 人因梦想而伟大吗 !说是容易 , 做时难 . 此时此刻, 确实笑说自己太娘炮了 , 现阶段才区区到国内他州求学罢了 , 竟有如此感受 , 那当外出澳洲留学之时呢 ? 我只能说 : 我更舍不得!!

话虽如此 , 心虽不舍 , 但 : 这是一个过程 . 还想感受多一时这里的阳光 , 多一刻吸收这里的空气 . 槟城的朋友兄弟们 , 还有最敬爱的家人们 , 这只是一个过程 . 我会想念你们的 . 加油 , 我们保持联络噢 ! ^_^

梦想 , 飞 !!!!